Sports Funding 2016-17
How we intend to spend our Sports Funding to improve the quality of PE, fitness levels, well-being and overall health awareness.
Company | Item(s) | Price |
Foundation Sports | Multi-skills -Year 3 (coach) | £1,478.00 |
CGA GOLF | Golf sessions (coach) | £900.00 |
Foundation Sports | Football team and Referee coach | £900.00 |
Fresh air fitness | Outdoor Fitness Gym contribution | £3000.00 |
Foundation Sports | Dance (Tudor / Ballet) | £1,200.00 |
Creative Play | Scooter Track | £1,310.00 |
Total Spent | £8,688.00 | |
Balance | £1,292.00 |
With regards to sustainability of our spending, the investment into our playground and our sports equipment, will ensure that all future pupils will have the same opportunities as our current cohort receive now. By up-skilling our teachers, we are investing into our staff, leading to an increase in the delivery of our PE curriculum not just this year, but in years to come. All sessions provided by a coach are NOT teachers PPA time. They serve as staff Continuous Professional Development.