Sports Premium 2020-2021

Planned Spend for Sports Funding


Allowance – £19,930

‘Sports to us, is poetry in motion!’ Mrs Ozkan (PE and Sports Lead)


 Provider  Activity  Cost
 Professional Sports Coach  Athletics  £3,330
 Professional Sports Coach  Games skills  £3,330
 Professional Sports Coach  Free style and synchronised dance  £2,475
 Professional Sports Coach  Gymnastics  £3,330
 Professional Sports Coach  Orienteering activities  £3,330
 Professional Sports Coach  Problem solving games  £3,330
 Professional Sports Coach  Pilates  £1,250
 Outside company  *Parkhill Daily Mile markings  £1, 582
 Vision – Redbridge  Swimming lessons for Year 6 – autumn term.  £5,580
   Total Spent  £21,957

Sports Funding – the Impact


  • Through high quality coaching and modelled sessions by PTC coaches, teachers’ expertise and subject knowledge has been enhanced, leading to effective teaching and learning with focus of greater precision teaching, across the PE curriculum.
  • The provision of external coaches has increased resilience and pupil leadership amongst the pupils.
  • Positive attitudes amongst pupils have been evident with a sportsmanship approach and their self-esteem improved towards the PE curriculum as well as extra curricular activities.
  • Opportunities for both pupils’ and parents’ to be more aware of the importance of sport and exercise and its connection to their physical and mental well-being.
  • Children have a greater awareness, of the importance of healthy eating and what constitutes to a healthy diet. Packed lunches are increasingly balanced.
  • Pupils have the opportunity to develop their sporting skills in a competitive environment at a high level.  
  • A wider range PE equipment has provided pupils fuller exposure, to a variety of sports thus enhancing their confidence to reach their full potential and fundamental sports skills.
 “We have learned different dance skills such as jumping, spinning, rhythm, cannon and changing direction to build up a routine.” 

Harleen 4P

“During PE, we have improved on our teamwork and communication skills to reach a given goal.” 

 Inaaya 4P

“The Pilates we have been doing is really good because it calms me and works my core muscles! I will teach my family some of the skills I have learnt in Pilates!”

Samuel 3O

“When we started, I was unable to swim and now I am more confident as I can stay afloat in the water! Swimming was very fun, exciting and is good exercise for you.”

Indiya 6C

“During PE, we have improved on our teamwork and communication skills to reach a given goal.”

 Inaaya 4P