Parkhill Junior took part in the UK’s annual Anti-Bullying Week, which aims to raise awareness of bullying of children and young people in schools. It is designed to highlight ways of preventing and responding to bullying if it does arise. Here are some of the wonderful pieces of work that were produced.
‘Anti-Bullying week shares the message about stopping bullying. Hopefully one day, we will be living in a society where there will be no bullying.’ Ibrahim 3M
‘What I liked about Anti-Bullying Week was that everyone was being extra kind to each other. You should always be kind and make good decisions.’ Aliyah 3M
‘I liked Anti-Bullying week because it reminded us to be caring and to be kind.’ Idress 5D
‘I liked Anti-Bullying week because I learnt what to do if I see someone getting bullied.’ Aftab 5MA