Festival of Light Crafternoon

On Thursday 28th and Friday 29th November, Parkhill Junior hosted the Festival of Lights crafternoon.
The children who attended were able to participate in range of fabulous and creative crafts that linked to different religions. Alongside their parents, the pupils showed their originality and problem solving skills in the different activities.
“When I helped out at the Crafternoon, I used HPL skills like creating when I was sewing the baubles.
I was able to help others with their sewing so I was being empathetic.” Fatima, art ambassador, 6I

“The crafternoon was fun. My favourite activity was making a lantern. ” Leo Y3
“I had fun at the crafternoon because I did lots of drawing and crafting with my friends. I enjoyed making the baubles.” Elishia Y3
“I really enjoyed the crafternoon because we got to create many interesting things to do with Festival of Light. Personally, my favourite activity was sewing the bauble” Maryam Y6