The Parkhill Melting Curriculum
Ready to learn
Our dynamic curriculum is designed to engage our children, prepare them for both the next stages of learning and for life in an ever-changing world. We seek to find new ways to innovate and enhance the curriculum in order to respond to these changes.
Our curriculum is specific and broad, with subjects melting together to provide meaningful learning opportunities as well as providing opportunities for children to improve their abilities and follow their passions. Our commitment and approach to the arts and science, have been recognised in our achievement of prestigious national awards.
Our Rights-Respecting curriculum is designed to enable children to have a greater understanding of their role and responsibilities as a member of many different communities including their role as a global citizen. This underpins all aspects of the curriculum.
We recognise that we all learn from one another and so collaborative learning is seen throughout the curriculum. Children, families and others from our community share their expertise in order to enhance the learning of others. Children take responsibility for their learning and are given opportunities to shape their learning, such as taking on the ‘mantle of the expert’ role in religious education lessons. A focus on developing children’s articulacy and oracy is crucial and is expressly promoted, across the curriculum.
Resilience and Risk-taking
Limitless learning is a fundamental element of our approach. We seek to empower all children to strive for excellence; to exceed expectations. We support our children in becoming confident and autonomous learners. A focus is placed on differentiating through support and children are encouraged to take an active role in identifying and accessing the wide range of support that is available.
An embedded practice of reflecting on learning, enables our children to deepen their understanding of how they learn and encourages them to take a proactive role in their learning journey. There is a focus on the development of skills and the application of these skills (in addition to knowledge) in real life contexts; this enables children to develop a deeper understanding and prepares them for life in a rapidly changing world.
The voice of the child is vital in shaping and developing both our curriculum and each child’s learning journey. Our child-led subject and pastoral ambassadors, play a key role in this.
Implementation We recognise that we are hard-wired to need to see how facts, ideas and the ‘stuff of learning’ connect. To make this happen, we see our curriculum as a ‘melting curriculum.’ Carefully selected quality texts in English, support learning in history. Comprehension activities in English support deeper understanding and memory retention. Our whole school overview is designed to make connections and secure coherence from Year 3 to Year 6. Our high performance learning approach (HPL) provides challenge and equal access to all learners. Differentiation is about the different level of support given and not different activities. Children learn in mixed ability groups, with the teacher facilitating a focus group across all subjects.
Impact The impact of the Parkhill Junior School curriculum will be seen in our developing autonomous learners, as they progress across the school and on to Key Stage 3. The school community (children and adults) embody the 6Rs throughout the curriculum, enabling limitless learning through a collaborative and high performance learning approach (HPL). All children, regardless of their starting points or backgrounds, will be curious and inquisitive about the world around them. As they progress through life in Parkhill Junior School, they will apply their growing knowledge and skill-set to life in the everyday world, always building on current knowledge to learn. They will possess a sense of identity, being proud of every achievement and gaining a strong sense of self-worth. Our HPL approach will equip each child with the fundamental skill-set necessary, to becoming a rights-respecting, happy, healthy, aspirational global citizen.
At Parkhill Junior School, we aim to deliver a creative and inspiring curriculum that opens children’s mind to a world of imagination. By being uncompromising in our aspirations, we endeavour to promote exceptional standards and expend every child’s potential for knowledge, skills and understanding in the areas of reading, writing and articulacy.
Our aim is to equip every children with a confident command and understanding of the written and spoken word so that they are enabled to express themselves, creatively and imaginatively. We believe this encouragement will enable them to become confident, capable and enthusiastic authors, with a genuine love of writing.
At Parkhill, we aspire for every child to read widely and often; to become a critical reader and cultivate a deep appreciation and lifelong love of reading. We want our children to become both independent and reflective readers who can use their skills to access all other areas of learning.
Through our dynamic melting curriculum, we have linked together topics across subjects, to provide depth of learning. In English, high quality texts have been chosen to work alongside history topics to allow children to develop deeper contextual understanding about a historical period. They can also make comparisons to modern society
Through a high performance learning approach (HPL), staff are committed to empower all learners to achieve better than good progress across the curriculum, regardless of their starting points. Differentiation is provided through varied levels of support, rather than different activities.
By optimising learning spaces outside the classroom, we provide children with engaging activities which will promote lots of talk and discussion, in turn enhancing their use of subject specific vocabulary and academic language of learning. This will allow children to make deep and meaningful connections across the curriculum.
To ensure we are always promoting a love for reading, we have developed our own reading band called the Parkhill Reading Tree. For this, we have compiled a list of 100 books which we aspire for every child to read before they leave Year 6. Through this grassroots approach to reading, we believe that children will be able to build strong foundations throughout their time at Parkhill, which will enable them to grow as passionate readers. Each list has been carefully curated, to ensure there are books from a range of genres and diverse cultures; covering various themes, societal issues and helping build empathy towards others.
We ensure that there are robust methods in place to first, identify lower attaining pupils in reading and writing and then to support children to improve their outcomes to match that of their peers.
The impact of the English curriculum will be seen through children becoming avid readers and creative authors that have a genuine passion and find joy in the craft of writing.
Children’s writing will reflect authenticity due to their deep contextual understanding and empathy with characters. Through reading a wide range of books and exploring adventures and journeys the characters embark on, we hope that a piece of every book will forever remain with the children, as they help shape their identity and ever-growing sense of self. Children will be curious and inquisitive about the world around them and use non-fiction texts to learn more about topics that are of interest to them. A high performance learning approach will ensure that all children are supported and stretched appropriately, regardless of starting points.
Maths Intent Mathematics is a life skill that equips us to make sense of the world around us. These skills are essential to our everyday life, vital to science, technology and engineering and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. Our intent is to provide the children of Parkhill Junior School with a mathematics curriculum which equips children with a foundation for understanding number, reasoning, thinking logically, and problem solving with resilience so that they are fully prepared for the future. We want each child to be a High Performance Learner, accessing challenges and opportunities to advance their learning. At Parkhill, we strive for every child to become an able mathematician who is perseverant and does not give up, a passionate learner who is open to new ideas and willing to change their own ideas should the later be more compelling, a learner who can challenge themselves when faced with complex mathematical problems (Article 28 – Every child has a right to an education).
Implementation At Parkhill, mathematics is taught daily. Planning is supported by the White Rose Maths hub and our school calculation policy. ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ supports children with developing their memory and recalling skills as well as mastering their times tables. By using a variety of planning resources we inform teaching and learning experience that interests, informs and inspires our children. Our lessons enable teachers to assess the children’s previous knowledge as a starting point for all future planning. We ensure to deliver high quality maths curriculum that is both challenging and enjoyable. Lessons are designed with a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach which support the scaffolding that children require to progress and also aims at providing the tool for children to progress from concrete to abstract quickly. Tasks are designed to help children master their fluency skills and cultivate their reasoning skills. Children have the opportunity to choose from a range of tasks depending on their ability. This promotes independence and self-reflection opportunities. Children complete weekly homework to review and improve their learning in order to retain learnt knowledge. A large emphasis is placed on outdoor learning to enhance the children’s experience of learning and help them to develop their understanding of the world around them and make links to mathematics. During learning time questioning and modelling is used to assess children’s learning and to support them in understanding mathematical concepts. Retrieval tasks are implemented in order for children make links between past and present knowledge by recalling their previous learning. A range of tools are used to assess children’s learning and to further design effective lessons. Feedback is provided regularly through verbal feedback and written feedback. To embed high performance learning in maths children are given maximum opportunities for challenges and support to reach their full potential. We ensure that there are robust methods to identify low attaining pupils and there are strategies in place to help them progress.
Impact The impact of the maths curriculum will be seen through children mastering skills and demonstrating their understanding in a range of ways using mathematical language to explain their thoughts and independently applying their understanding in new concepts. Children will demonstrate the ability to quickly recall mathematical facts including times tables. They will identify relationships and make connections in mathematics. We hope to that this wealth of learning will support children in their journey and will enable them to use mathematics efficiently in their daily life by using a range of thinking approaches and transferring them one circumstance to the other.
At Parkhill, we want our children to love science. Our intent is to give every child a broad and balanced science curriculum which enables them to confidently explore and discover what is around them, so that they have a deeper understanding of the world we live in. We want them to have no limits to what their ambitions are and grow up wanting to be forensic scientists, astronauts or microbiologists.
We want our children to remember their science lessons in our school, cherish these memories and develop their thirst for scientific learning.
To achieve this, our curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced with opportunities for cross curricular links. It involves exciting, practical hands-on experiences that encourage curiosity and questioning. Our aim is that these stimulating and challenging experiences help every child secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary, as well as promoting a love and appetite for learning.
Implementation At Parkhill, science topics are taught within each year group in accordance with the National Curriculum.
Impact Our children will reach at least age related expectations for science. They will be able to articulate their understanding using rich scientific language. They will have acquired range of desirable skills to support their future development, such as working collaboratively, confidence to voice opinions and organisational skills. Our science curriculum will lead pupils to be enthusiastic science learners and understand that science has changed our lives and that it is vital to the world’s future prosperity. At Parkhill, we want to empower our children, so they understand they have the capability to change the world.
PE Intent The purpose of Physical Education is to ensure that every child should be confident, enjoy and participate in a range of sports actively with increasing competitive aspects by the end of Year 6 no matter what their athletic ability. We aim to focus on the children’s physical and mental development to ensure that barriers to learning are reduced and accessible to all.
Implementation We use a broad, diverse and cross curricular scheme that supports and challenges all pupils and provides opportunities for competitiveness. Outside of the PE curriculum, there are many opportunities for daily physical activities to promote a balanced, healthy lifestyle, such as ‘The Parkhill Mile’, Cycle to School Weeks and Active week. An effective and diverse pedagogical approach is used for PE. Indoor PE sessions are taught once a week for one hour. The school have focused on dance across the school and have had a specialist dance teacher (with the class teacher) to support teachers with school productions. This has benefited teachers and pupils to ensure a greater understanding for assessing the pupils’ progress as well as how to sequence dance lessons. All outdoor sessions (once a week for an hour). An assessment tool has been implemented so that it is manageable and enables PE lead and class teachers to identify strengths and areas for development against end of year expectations. Percentages are calculated against each class, whole year group and also across the whole school. The importance of an all-inclusive PE curriculum is important to us at Parkhill Junior School, as we use advanced and effective cognitive approaches so that fundamental physical needs are met and developed for the future.
Impact Everyone to be confident, independent and motivated towards an enriched healthy lifestyle and to be actively participating in sport. Every child to become autonomous and respectful leaders in sport, to promote sportsmanship and fairness. Also, for them to understand the importance of healthy eating, making healthy choices and understand that their mental and physical health interlink with one another. By the end of their Parkhill Junior School experience, every individual will be equipped with the fundamental physical skills, core values, attitudes and attributes so that they can appreciate and understand the importance of healthy behaviours, to become high performance learners.
Art and Design Intent • To make the arts exciting, inspiring and engaging for all
• To ensure that positive and inclusive experiences are provided
• To support and engage all students
• Assist pupils in becoming visually literate
• To give children authentic experiences that encourage personal progression, ownership and strive for excellence
• To develop inquisitive thinking and creativity
• To help children to achieve across the curriculum (embed the melting curriculum) and develop a sense of pride in their work
• Develop the ability to communicate ideas, opinions and feelings about their own work and that of others
At Parkhill Junior School, we want our children to love art, craft and design! We want them to have no limits to what their ambitions are and to grow up wanting to be illustrators, graphic designers, fashion designers, curators, architects or printmakers so they are intellectually and socially confident young people. Our Art curriculum is designed to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, whilst equipping them with the knowledge and skills to be able to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. As pupils progress, they should gain a deeper understanding of how Art and Design reflects and shapes our history, and how it contributes to the culture, creativity and wealth of our world. Through HPL, we want to prepare our pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life assuring that they have a global outlook. We want our children to use the local area as inspiration, to learn from other cultures.
Implementation Each child has a sketchbook. We give the child ownership of their sketchbook in order to foster their sense of creativity. Children use their sketchbooks to make initial sketches, develop skills, record ideas and develop opinions. Many of the Art and Design units are part of the Parkhill Junior Melting Curriculum to allow all children to deepen their understanding across the curriculum, including the use of technology, and artworks from year group specific historical, geographical and scientific contexts.
Throughout the Parkhill Junior journey, every child is given the opportunity to learn the skills of drawing, painting, printing, sculpture and digital art through the exploration of an initial key artist, craft maker or designer and their work.
Through in-depth discussion, the pupils explore how their art can share commonalities with famous art and use subject-specific vocabulary to discuss key artworks and their own work. In the development of confident art critics, the pupils share their opinions and make informed observations about what will improve their own practical work through meta-thinking and self-regulation.
Teachers follow a clear progression of skills which ensures all pupils are challenged in line with their year group expectations and are given the opportunity to build on their prior knowledge so they can make links and use connection finding.
Opportunities to reflect and develop, including through the use of sketchbooks, and chances for self and peer-assessment are planned into each unit of study which draws on intellectual confidence.
Effective CPD and the art portfolio (working document) are available to staff to ensure high levels of confidence and knowledge are maintained.
Impact The impact of this curriculum design will lead to outstanding progress over time across the key stage relative to a child’s individual starting point and their progression of skills. Children will therefore be expected to leave Parkhill Junior School reaching at least age-related expectations for Art and Design. We have developed a tracking tool to enable the subject lead to follow pupils’ progress throughout their time at Parkhill Junior and to flag up any concerns and put support in place.
Our Art and Design curriculum will also lead pupils to be enthusiastic Art and Design learners, evidenced in a range of ways, including pupil voice, their final pieces and sketchbooks. We ensure that children who are achieving well, as well as those who need additional support, are identified, and additional provision and strategies are planned in and discussed with class teachers. Achievements are celebrated in classrooms during walking-galleries and corridor displays. We aim to develop our future artists and their appreciation of the art around them.
Right Respecting School
Why do we teach this? Why do we teach it in the way we do?
‘Music is all around us. I t is the soundtrack to our lives. Music connects us through people and places in our ever-changing world. It is creative, collaborative, celebratory and challenging.”
New Model Music Curriculum – March 2021
At Parkhill Junior School, the aim of our music curriculum is to inspire creativity and self-expression, to foster a lifelong love of and curiosity about music and to use music as a vehicle to connect with others. Music should be used as a language to represent and explore feelings and emotions, thus supporting children’s mental wellbeing. Through listening and responding to different musical styles, finding their voice as singers, participating as performers and composers and analysing and evaluating music across a range of historical periods, styles, traditions and genres, children will acquire the knowledge and skills that will enhance self-confidence and sense of achievement. As children deepen their understanding of the different elements of music, they will also develop the technical vocabulary that will enable them to connect with others. Through sharing their own experiences as musicians and reflecting on the contributions of others. Celebrating the many musical experiences our children have beyond the school curriculum is integral to music learning, at Parkhill.
Article 23 – Every child with a disability should become independent and participate actively in the community.
Article 28 – Every child has the right to an education.
Article 29 – A child’s education should help develop their talents and abilities.
Article 31 – Every child has the right to participate in cultural and creative activities.
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
What do we teach? What does it look like?
Our whole curriculum is shaped by our school vision, which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability, additional needs, to flourish to become the very best version of themselves they can possibly be. High Performance Learners. We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. Our pedagogy is pupil focused, children will develop expertise, leading their learning and actively engaging with feedback to improve their performance.
To ensure music at Parkhill Junior School is an enjoyable and inspiring learning experience, music is taught by a specialist across the key stage, as well as by class teachers. Through whole class instrument teaching, the children develop the language needed, to discuss their learning.
Year 3 learn the ocarina; Year 4, the recorder; Year 5 learn how to play the glockenspiel; Year 6 learn to play the drums.
Charanga (scheme of work) is used to supplement the teaching of music to ensure children are exposed to a wide variety of genres and given a wide range of practical opportunities to develop musicianship.
Additional enrichment opportunities include the peripatetic teaching of brass, woodwind, violin, percussion and piano lessons. Children participate in weekly singing assemblies and children (mainly Y5 & 6) have the opportunity to join the choir. Each Year Group performs to a wider audience throughout the year during a special assembly. Children are exposed to a diverse range of composers through our Musician of the Month display.
By the time children leave our school they will have a widened repertoire which they will be able to use to create original, imaginative, fluent and distinctive composing and performance works.
This will be evident through a musical understanding underpinned by high levels of aural perception, internalisation and knowledge of music, including developing levels of technical expertise. Children will have a very good awareness and appreciation of different musical traditions and genres as well as an excellent understanding of how musical provenance – the historical, social and cultural origins of music – contributes to the diversity of musical styles. Our pupils will develop the ability to give precise written and verbal explanations, using musical terminology effectively, accurately and appropriately. And of course, a passion for and commitment to, a diverse range of musical activities.
Geography Intent Through the teaching of geography at Parkhill Junior School, we strive to instil a lifelong excitement and curiosity about our world that will equip our pupils to become responsible, engaged members of the global community. Thinking geographically about our changing world will enable our children to understand how the world works, how our lives are connected to others and how our choices are shaped by and impact on the environment. Through high quality teaching we will develop the essential characteristics of geographers:
Implementation Aligned with the 2014 National Curriculum, geography teaching at Parkhill Junior School provides an interesting, balanced and varied curriculum that is accessible to and meets the needs of all our children. Geography is taught discretely and each year group explores three topics in depth. Relevant links with other areas of the curriculum are made to enable children to connect their understanding of geography to wider learning experiences. Through a coherent series of lessons, children develop a deep subject knowledge and key skills to enable them to make at least good progress. To ensure deep learning, teachers have high expectations of outcomes, ask challenging questions for all pupils, and ensure children connect new knowledge with previous learning. The opportunity for children to develop geographical skills through fieldwork in the local environment is essential. Personalisation of the curriculum enables all children to make good progress.
Impact All children will have a sense of wonder about the world around them and will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to make responsible decisions that have a positive impact on our world. The year group assessment grids are used to measure the impact of our curriculum by tracking progress and ensuring all children are making at least good progress, regardless of their starting points. Book scrutinies, pupil conferencing and learning walks are used to ensure the excellent outcomes in geography for all our pupils.
At Parkhill Junior School we believe a high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing is a significant part of everyone’s daily life, and we believe that children should be at the forefront of new technology.
Here at Parkhill, we believe in a melting curriculum where we integrate different aspects of the curriculum together as an integral part of learning to develop a deeper understanding. Computing can provide a wealth of learning opportunities and transferable skills. Children must be taught in the form of ‘computational thinking’ in order to provide them with essential knowledge and skills to effectively participate in the digital world.
Parkhill Junior takes internet safety extremely seriously. We have regular online safety workshops for parents to equip them with the knowledge on how to support their child when using the internet. There is also an online safety policy that provides guidance for teachers and parents. Our digital leaders help remind staff and children on the importance of online safety through the delivery of assemblies and provide feedback on a weekly basis.
Implementation At Parkhill Junior school, the children will design, write, and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts. They will use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs, use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and correct errors in algorithms and programs. Children will be taught to understand computer networks, including the internet, and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration. They will use search technologies effectively, learn to appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content. Children will be taught to select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals. They will use technology safely, respectfully, and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact. Lessons are planned to provide for and include all children. We focus on the progress they have made. These computing lessons aim to equip each child with advanced cognitive skills and the essential values, attitudes, and attributes that they will need for lifelong success.
Impact After the implementation of our robust curriculum, children will leave Parkhill Junior digitally literate. They will be able to safely and effectively navigate technology allowing them to be independent thinkers who can problem solve, think logically, evaluate content and information and be confident in a technological world. Children will understand the consequences of using the internet and will, most importantly be knowledgeable on how to keep themselves safe. Our Computing curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression.
History Intent
Implementation The Parkhill Melting Curriculum was devised in close communication with the English lead, to facilitate robust links and connections through high quality texts and history topics, ensuring high performance learning for all. Each book has been carefully chosen for children to use the knowledge from their history lessons to understand the context of the books they read and transfer knowledge from one circumstance to another. This method also meant the historical skills can be taught more explicitly, and the focus on the historical skills is more apparent in the history lessons. We believe that children can use their knowledge of one era and apply it to the next by extrapolating links and connections very quickly. Each topic was chosen to be taught chronologically across KS2 so children are able to make links between what they have previously studied. At the end of each academic year, the overview is analysed to ensure the texts are still relevant to the topics being taught, whilst still enabling teachers to find links between history and English through texts set in the time the children are studying. Children will then be able to use some historical skills with ease.
Impact Children’s learning is more in depth, by making links between subjects and referring to them more regularly. The importance of analysing how our modern society changed and adapted due to past events enables children to recognise the impact they also have as global citizens moving forward for the future, while encouraging them to think about why events happened and what we can learn from them. Children will be able to work with big ideas and holistic concepts and create new ideas through building on existing ideas or diverting from them, as this is the high performance learning belief.
R.E. Intent
Implementation The RE curriculum was overhauled in 2020, to accurately reflect our rights respecting ethos, as well as ensuring the coverage of different religions was taught across KS2. Each year group focuses on one of the six major religions during the year, and then uses this knowledge to focus on ‘big questions’ – thinking about what religions tell us about how the world works, why things happen, as well as voicing their own opinions about their experience with religion and culture. Each unit then ends with a ‘final outcome’ which enables children to complete a final task that demonstrates what they have learnt through the topic; for example preparing a celebration, writing a letter to an important religious figure Throughout the year, we actively promote a wide range of religious festivals and celebrations, dedicating time to teach the children about the rituals and customs, and then encouraging children to show their learning through art, design, writing and music. Our pupil voice group, the Festival and Celebrations Committee have a huge role to play in the organisation of this and regularly meet to discuss upcoming events and fresh, new ways to promote these in the school.
Impact Children build skills of respect, curiosity, resilience, tolerance and encouraging and promoting diversity. They are confident to express their own views and share their experiences of culture and religion in their own families and communities, whilst absorbing new knowledge from other children in the class. The idea of them being ‘global citizens’ comes through, as in history, recognising the impact they have on the world around them and how these skills can help them moving forward in society.
D & T
Part of Parkhill Junior’s aim is to feed a love of learning through a creative, dynamic, fun and challenging curriculum. Alongside this, we aim to prepare everyone to become responsible and pro-active national and global citizens. Pupils will also know that their ideas are valued and that they can have an impact and contribute to our society. They will learn how design and technology has been used in the past and how their ideas can be used in the future.
As mentioned in the National Curriculum, Design and Technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. It states that pupils acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draws on maths, science, computing and art.
At Parkhill Junior, we aim to implement this through a variety of teaching approaches. We will provide fun and exciting projects that will inspire them to use their imagination and creativity. Pupils will develop their skills in Art and Design, through a melting curriculum approach within other subject lessons. Being able to make links throughout a variety of subjects will provide opportunities for children to develop understanding and remember more. They will enjoy discovering and using a range of tools and materials to bring their ideas to life and build on skills as they progress through school. We encourage all pupils to work collaboratively, as members of a team, considering and acting on a range of viewpoints. This will enable pupils to consider society’s needs, wants and values as they create their design. Parkhill pupils are encouraged to take risks, reflect and think critically as they design and evaluate their products in order to reach their required specifications.
Their understanding of the world around them will inspire their imagination to create products which have a specific purpose and would contribute to society. Pupils will be given projects which are appropriate and relevant to their experiences in the context to which they can relate to.
Modern Foreign Languages – French
Regardless of where they begin, the goal of MFL is to encourage children’s curiosity, notably but not expressly about the French language and culture. This will enable children to understand different cultures and, in turn, try to learn about both their own and that of others. We fervently believe that every single child is a high-performance learner who is capable of achieving academic success and leading a life full of opportunity and fulfilment. We also want to instil confidence and enthusiasm in language study. Based on what we know about how children learn, as a school, we employ a special teaching and learning framework that empowers children. We want to introduce, sustain, and expand understanding about culture and language around the world by removing obstacles to success.
At Parkhill Junior, we believe that learning has no boundaries, thus we give each student high quality learning opportunities that they will require to succeed in learning a foreign language. Every week, a focus group is held where children can learn more about the French language and culture outside of the classroom and foster a love for it. Activities including drama help teach this. Events are held to give the learners a chance to express their creativity in relation to the subject and learn using many techniques.
Our learners will respect different languages and cultures and be able to communicate and connect with local communities and the rest of the world much more effectively, in both the spoken and written language.
Outdoor Learning
At Parkhill Junior School, we believe every child has the right to relax, play and experience the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of learning. (Article 31 Unicef Convention of the Child) We believe that outdoor learning can be used in many cross curricular areas to strengthen and deepen pupils understanding and knowledge and create real life experiences for pupils. We want to create memorable outdoor experiences which will inspire children to ask and answer questions of both the build and natural world. Through outdoor learning, pupils will become confident, resilient and determined learners. In this vastly changing world, we want our students to have a deep care and respect for our world and the things in it.
At Parkhill Junior School, we are very committed to outdoor learning. Outdoor learning is planned to enrich and enhance the children’s in-school learning experiences. This gives every pupil in the school the opportunity to enjoy and learn from our wonderful natural world on a regular basis. The school has a designated garden which enables children to grow and nurture a range of produce. This has enabled children to have first-hand experience, make links between healthy eating, sustainability and enjoy physical activities. In food technology the children have experiences of using their produce to make sandwiches, bread and dips. The school garden has also provided some of the produce to be cooked in the working kitchen and students saw the links and importance of being self-sufficient and having a healthy balanced diet. Enrichment opportunities such as planting trees and bulbs have enabled children to make connections with topical issues such as climate change.
By the end of KS2 all children will have enjoyed hands on experiences learning outdoors which will add to their understanding and learning of a wide variety of curriculum areas. They will have developed imagination and creativity through exploration of the outdoors and will have developed resilience through challenging activities and working in all weathers. They also will have developed co-operation skills through team work. Pupils will have a good understanding of nature, the world around us, growing plants and vegetables and will have contributed to the development of our school grounds and looking after the world around us.
Right Respecting School
Our intent is to follow the UNCRC rights closely, and to include it in our melting curriculum/teaching plans for all of our children. Our weekly articles of the week and word of the week which will them give them opportunities and mechanisms for the pupils to participate in making decisions that affect them. Our school policies, guidance implements a child rights based approach and link this to other initiatives or other activities such as in their pupil voice groups. It is aimed at promoting or upholding the rights of others. Teaching approaches respect the rights of both rights holders and duty bearers. Our school’s aim is to make an explicit commitment to a child rights, support children wellbeing, and guide them to communicate this by having a strong empathy to make a change in the wider school community.
At Parkhill Junior School, all of our children know about the UNCRC via articles of the week, word of the week and assemblies. We encourage our children be confident to describe how it impacts on them and children everywhere. Through our pupil voice groups, we inspire to empower our children to disclose behaviours that breach their rights. In Parkhill Junior, our children enjoy all the rights enshrined in the UNCRC. All relationships are founded on rights; interactions are based on dignity, mutual respect and inclusion.
At Parkhill Junior, our children have developed a long-term commitment to values such as social justice and inclusion through our teaching and learning. Our pupil voice groups, have created an environment to make them feel safe, included and valued as individuals. They are empowered by working collaboratively to make a difference. We are improving pupils’ wellbeing, emotional resilience and engagement in our local community.
In our rights-respecting schools, not only we teach our children about the rights that they have, but also about the key principles inherent in upholding children’s rights: dignity; life, survival and development, transparency and accountability; the best interests of the child; participation; non-discrimination; interdependency and indivisibility. These principles are at the heart of developing an understanding of what it means to have rights and their relevance in children’s own lives. This means our school, ensures a balanced commitment to children’s wellbeing and individual dignity, as well as a commitment to attainment and achievement. Most children know that their views are taken seriously. Our theme and event weeks, challenges the principles of non-discrimination that is required to achieve outcomes for all children. The principles of participation, dignity and accountability requires schools to provide opportunities for pupils to have active contributions to their life and community of our school.