Sports Premium 2022-2023

Sports Funding – the Impact


  • Through high quality coaching and modelled sessions by a professional coach, teachers’ expertise and subject knowledge has been enhanced, leading to effective teaching and learning with focus of greater precision teaching, across the PE curriculum.
  • The provision of an external coach has increased resilience, confidence and pupil leadership in all pupils the pupils.
  • Positive attitudes amongst pupils have been evident with a sportsmanship approach and their self-esteem improved towards the PE curriculum as well as extra curricular activities.
  • Opportunities for both pupils’ and parents’ to be more aware of the importance of sport and exercise and its connection to their physical and mental well-being.
  • Children have a greater awareness, of the importance of healthy eating and what constitutes to a healthy diet. Packed lunches are increasingly balanced.
  • Cross-curricular links created with science and D and T.
  • Pupils have the opportunity to develop their sporting skills in a competitive environment at a high level.  
  • A wider range PE equipment has provided pupils fuller exposure, to a variety of sports thus enhancing their confidence to reach their full potential and develop fundamental sports skills.
  • A shared professional understanding of how to support SEND children through sports.

“In netball, I have enjoyed learning the different passes and my teacher has supported me with my positioning and throwing technique.’”

Melissa 5R


“I have enjoyed learning how to play hockey and have been challenged in my learning by playing against others in class especially when the opponents are tough!’”

Jahzaih 6I

“During our dance PE lessons we have been learning new dance moves with the dance specialist and she has helped me to learn by explaining and repeating the moves before moving on in the dance routine.”

Nethrra 4DO


“Every child was able to take part in our sports day 2023 and enjoy themselves. It was very well organised!”

Ms Gay