On Thursday 26th May, when the entire school were doing activities for The Queen’s jubilee, the Year 6s were lucky enough to work with some students from Beal High School.
Alongside an art teacher from Beal, we made and printed a collagraph. This was a new type of printing the children hadn’t done before. The students from Beal helped us understand the steps needed to produce a print.
The work is currently on display in Fullwell Cross library
“The art was very fun. I got to learn a whole different skill. One of my favourite parts was using the ink rollers! I also enjoyed making the queen out of different materials. I would do this again if I had the opportunity. The teacher and the sixth formers were really kind.” Maribela 6W.
“I like the artwork we did with the Beal students as it was very unique and unlike anything we have done in year 6 in our art lessons. ” Aariz 6W
“On Thursday, when the Beal students came into school, I enjoyed doing art with them because they gave me tips to improve my art skills.” Isra 6C
“I found printing very fun as in the past we have done printing but this was different. To print The Queen, we used a range of textures and materials as well as creating a coloured background. I hope I can do it again.” Atisha 6C
“A teacher and some sixth formers came to Parkhill and were teaching us how to make a collagraph. We did 2 prints, one on white paper and one on a coloured background. To add colour to the background, we used tissue paper. I liked this lesson because we learnt new things and working with new people.” Majida 6N