Archived News 2022-2023

Coffee Morning – Art Attack

We spent an hour with our parents doing some neurography. We started our work by just using a black marker ...

Science Week

This Year, the Science Week topic was “Connections” and we discovered that there are examples of connections everywhere, whether that ...

Red Nose Day

Please take a moment to catch up on all the amazing learning events of recent weeks, detailed in each year ...

Generation Celebration

A huge well done to Year 3 and 4 children, on their dazzling all-singing, all-dancing performance - Generation Celebration! The ...

Book Week

As part of our drive to maintain, promote and engage pupil interest in reading, Parkhill celebrated Book Week from Monday ...

Oakdale Junior School Football Match

Teamwork makes the dream work! The children at Parkhill Junior school were very excited to attend our first football match ...